How to Write an Article Review: Tips, Outline, Format
Have you been assigned an article review paper, but you are unsure where to start, or what is a review article at all? There is no need to worry, as EssayService has put together a top guide for you! Find out all about an article review to master your assignment.
What is an Article Review?
In simple terms, an article review essay is like a summary and evaluation of another professional or expert's work. It may also be referred to as a literature review that includes an outline of the most recent research on the subject, or a critical review that focuses on a specific article with smaller scope. Article review can be used for many reasons; for example, a teacher or lecturer may wish to introduce their students to a new subject by reviewing a professional's piece. You can also learn about the most important works of specialists in your industry by looking at relevant article review examples.
Also, a newspaper article review example could be a journalist writing a critique about another competitor's published work.
In comparison, a book review article example could be critiqued by a fellow author or even a student in the chosen field.
Depending on the critique criteria and the work being reviewed, there could also be certain points asked for addition which should be checked and noted by the lecturer or supervisor. Otherwise, follow the article review guidelines from our write my essay service to complete the assignment in no time.
Key points when writing an article review:
Use the article review template from our paper writing service to get through the assignment as fast as possible so you will not waste any time.
How to Start an Article Review?
- Firstly read the work being reviewed as much as possible and look up key phrases and words that are not understood.
- Discuss the work with other professionals or colleagues to collect more opinions and get a more balanced impression.
- Highlight important sections or sentences and refer this to your knowledge in the topic, do you agree or disagree and what does this contribute to the field?
- Then re-write the key arguments and findings into your own words this will help gain better understanding into the paper. This can be just written as an outline also and will help decide which points are wanted to discuss later.
If you feel you do not have enough time to create a critique worthy of your time, then come to EssayService and order a custom Article review online.
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The best way to write an effective essay would be to draw up a plan or outline of what needs to be covered and use it for guidance throughout the critique.

Article Review Formatting
There is no one-fits-all article format you can follow in your review. In fact, the formatting is dictated by the citation style specified by your professor in the task requirements. Thus, be sure to clarify the preferred style before you jump straight to writing to handle the given assignment right.
APA Format Article Review
Writing an APA style article review, you will most likely use articles from journals, websites, and newspapers. For each source, you will have to create properly formatted bibliographical entries.
Here is how to write an article review APA:
- Journal: Author’s last name, First and middle initial. (Year of Publication). Publication Title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
- Website: Last name, initials. (Date of Publication). Title. Retrieved from {link}
- Newspaper: Last name, initials. (Date of Publication). Title. Magazine Title, pp. xx-xx.
MLA Format Article Review
Tips for citing sources in an article review MLA format:
- Journal: Last name, First name Middle initial. “Title.” Journal Title Series Volume. Issue (Year of Publication): Page(s). Database Name. Web. Date Accessed.
- Website: Last, First M. “Title.” Website Title. Publisher, Date Published. Web. Date Accessed.
- Newspaper: Last, First M. “Title.” Newspaper Title [City] Date of Publication: Page(s). Print.
Article Review Outline
Planning out an outline for your paper will help writing and to put it together so therefore saving you time in the long run.
Some questions to help with the outline of a critique:
- What does the article set out to do or prove?
- Are the main ideas clear and defined?
- How substantial is the evidence?
- Where does the article fit in its specific field?
- Does it provide new knowledge on the topic?
- What are the central theories and assumptions?
- Is the writer conclusive at getting their point across?
Here is a typical article review format to follow:
Use our article review template to get through the assignment as fast as possible so you will not waste any time.
Article Review Title
Firstly start with creating a title for your critique, this should be something to do with the focus of the work that is being reviewed. An approach could be to make it descriptive or also in a more creative way think of something that intrigues the reader. After the title, this is a good place to correctly cite the paper being critiqued and include the important details for example, the author, title of publication, any page references. The style in which the citation is written will depend on which is best for this type of work being reviewed.
Article Review Introduction
The introduction should be a brief glimpse into what the author was writing about and any other details the audience will find interesting. Maybe some background details on the piece that is not already known or something that contributes to the review itself. It is a good idea to start by introducing the work at the start of the paragraph and then include a 'hook'. Include the writer's thesis if there is one and put it at the end but include your own thesis towards the critique near the beginning of this section.
Article Review Body
When constructing the summary section, write down the important points and findings in the piece in your own words. Include how the claims are supported and backed up with evidence but use direct quotes as sparing as possible. Do not put in any information known to professionals in the field or topic, but detail any conclusions the work came to. Make sure the paper is not just copied word for word and is actually summarized by yourself; this will also help the review stage.
To make an accurate critique, break down the work and express opinions on whether it achieves its goals and how useful it is in explaining the topics for an article review. Decide if the paper contributes to its field and is important and credible to the given field. Back up all the claims with evidence from the summary or another source. If using another text, remember to cite it correctly in the bibliography section. Look at how strong the points are and do they contribute to the argument. Try to identify any biases the writer might have and use this to make a fair critique. This part is only for opinions of the piece's significance, not including whether you liked it. Furthermore, the different types of audiences that would benefit from the paper can be mentioned in this section.
Article Review Conclusion
In the conclusion section of the critique, there should only be one or two paragraphs in which a summary of key points and opinions in the piece are included. Also, summarize the paper's significance to its field and how accurate the work is. Depending on the type of critique or work evaluated, it is also possible to include comments on future research or the topic to be discussed further.
If other sources have been used, construct a bibliography section and correctly cite all works utilized in the critique.
The APA format is very common in an article review and stands for American Psychology Association. This will include a 'references list' at the end of the critique and in-text citations, mentioning the author's last name, page number, and publication date.
There are also MLA and Chicago formats for citations with slight differences in a name, like using a 'works cited' page for MLA. More can be found in this guide on the subtle differences between the types of citation methods under the heading 'Creating a bibliography.'
Article Review Example
Article Review Writing Tips
If you are interested in best scholarships for high school seniors, the following tips will be handy while writing your essay or article:
- Allow enough time to complete the research and writing of the critique.
The number one problem with creating a critique is running out of time to make it the best it can be. This can be avoided by effective planning and keeping on time with the deadlines you set out. - Collect twice more research than you think is needed to write a review.
This will help when coming to the writing stage as not all the information collected will be used in the final draft. - Write in a style that is compatible with the work being critiqued.
This will be better for whoever requested the critique and also will make paper easier to construct. - A summary and evaluation must be written.
Do not leave out either part as one complements the other and is vital to create a critique worth reading. - Be clear and explain well every statement made about the piece.
Everything that is unknown to professionals in the field should be explained and all comments should be easy to follow for the reader. - Do not just describe the work, analyze and interpret it.
The critique should be in depth and give the audience some detailed interpretations of the work in a professional way. - Give an assessment of the quality in the writing and of what standard it is.
Evaluate every aspect in the paper so that the audience can see where it fits into the rest of the related works. Give opinions based on fact and do not leave any comments without reason as this will not count for anything.
How to Write an Article Review?
Writing a review article is not that hard if you know what steps to take. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to write a review example quickly and easily.
- Before You Start
Before you start writing your review essay, there are a few pre-writing steps to take. The pre-writing process should consist of the following steps:
- Pick the subject of your review (if it wasn’t specified by your professor);
- Read the article fully multiple times;
- Summarize the main ideas, points, and claims made in the article;
- Define the positive (strong) aspects;
- Identify the gaps or inconsistencies;
- Find the questions that remained unanswered.
All these steps are needed to help you define the direction for your review article and find the main ideas you’d like to cover in it.
- Outline
After you review articles and define the key ideas, gaps, and other details, map out your future paper by creating a detailed outline.
Here are the core elements that must be included:
- Pre-title page;
- Corresponding author details (optional);
- Running head (only for the APA style);
- Summary page (optional);
- Title page;
- Introduction;
- Body;
- References/Works Cited;
- Suggested Reading page (optional);
- Tables and Figure Legends (if required by the professor).
This step is vital to organize your thoughts and ensure a proper structure of your work. Thus, be sure not to skip this step.
- Title
When you have an outline, students can move on to the writing stage by formulating compelling titles for their article reviews. Titles should be declarative, interrogative, or descriptive to reflect the core focus of the paper.
- Article Citation
After the title should follow a proper citation of the piece you are going to review. Write a citation according to the required style, and feel free to check out a well-written article review example to see how it should look like.
- Article Identification
Start the first paragraph of your review with concise and clear article identification that specifies its title, author, name of the resource (e.g., journal, web, etc.), and the year of publication.
- Intro
Following the identification, write a short introductory paragraph. It should be to the point and state a clear thesis for your review.
- Summary and Critique
In the main body of your article review, you should first make a detailed but not too extensive summary of the article you reviewed, its main ideas, statements, and findings. In this part, you should also reflect on the conclusion made by the author of the original article.
After a general summary should follow an objective critique. In this part of your paper, you have to state and analyze the main strengths and weaknesses of the article. Also, you need to point out any gaps or unanswered questions that are still there. And clarify your stance on the author’s assertions.
- Conclusion
Lastly, you need to craft a compelling conclusion that recaps the key points of your review and gives the final, logical evaluation of the piece that was reviewed.
After this, proofread your work and submit it.
No Time Left For Your Due Assignment
Now we hope you understand how to write a review of an article. However, we know that writing a great article review requires a lot of time to properly research the work. To save your precious time, visit EssayService, where our team of top essay writers will help you. The team can even provide you with the best article review topics! You can learn more at the college essay writing service page where we have free guides with all the essay writing tips and tricks!
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